Sunday Soul Bites {VLOG} - How We Deliver Our Words

Hello and Happy Sunday!

Many of you know I am very big on how we deliver your words to someone. 

Words can be weaponizing. Once those words come out of our mouths we can’t take them back.

Many of us might have done this before to another (our partner, kids, coworker, etc) or have been on the other end of the stick, and have felt hurt by someone’s words.

It happens often, and WHEN it happens we then begin to create personal labels that stick. Whether they are in service or dis-service to our overall well-being.

For example, if you have been told that you are “hardworking, brilliant, amazing, dedicated, loving”…..high expectations are put into place and we create experiences that match those labels.

BUT on the other hand, if someone says you are, “lazy, distracted, too emotional, anxious, stubborn, incompetent”…we create experiences that match those low expectations. 

Ask yourself:  What would you be without those labels? What would life look like for you?

Be gentle with yourself when answering this question.  Use your curiosity.  Awareness is the first step in shifting patterns and habits that are in dis-service to you.

Click above to watch the 3 minute (actually 5 min this week) video!

XO, Jen


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