Sunday Soul Bites {VLOG} - Decision Fatigue
Happy Sunday!
Decision Fatigue… it’s real and affects a lot of us.
What is it? Decision Fatigue is focusing your energy and attention on too many things.
And what happens when we become Decision Fatigued?
We become so brain fatigued that we trust others more on making decisions for us rather than relying on our own intelligence.
How can we expect to meet our own vision when someone else is making important decisions for us?
Try this: When you get up in the morning, before you start your day, think about what YOU really need to obtain your vision.
Here is the challenge: Hold your tongue. Take the day off in asking others for their opinions….
I often tell my clients to WAIT: Why Am I Talking!
This is not the easiest exercise although with practice you will begin to trust more in your decisions rather than trusting in the decisions of others.
This is your life…….Do You!
XO, Jen
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