Jennifer Meister

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My Story of Imperfection

As a child, teenager, and young adult, I experienced debilitating anxiety. The anxiety felt like I was walking around with a low grade fever. A fever that mostly stayed steady, although had many moments where it would spike. You would of thought that I would have gathered a message from within that something wasn’t right or that this discomfort was signaling me to shift or change something. 

But, no… I didn't think that I needed help, or had any thoughts that I could experience change. 

It was just my lot in life, or so I thought.

Anything that felt out of place or was uncertain made me scared and had me believing that something was really wrong; I needed to control it all. Hence, what was birthed? Perfection. Perfection was a huge component to the onset of my anxiety episodes (and a huge component of my personality at the time in general). Not only feeling that I was perfect, but making sure my surroundings were all perfect as well.

I hid my anxious feelings by looking good, doing the right things, being kind, and being a people pleaser. Then, no one would ever think I was suffering on the inside. It was my secret and quite lonely.

When I look back at my patterns, I realize now that all the suffering profoundly affected my physical body but I was not aware of the connection. Because I did not understand my anxious feelings and was afraid to explore them, I began somatizing pain throughout my body. Whether is was back pain, muscle/joint tenderness, headaches, stomach issues, sinus problems, etc… 

I basically began to focus on healing those ailments (mere symptoms) to deflect from having to get down & dirty to learn & educate myself on the root cause. As you can see I am not saying FIX the root cause.

At 20-years-old, I decided I had had enough of living this way. My physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies were affected in too many ways; it was no longer bearable. That was when I decided to reach out for help. Now, please, know I was the first family member in history to go speak to someone about my “feelings.” Remember, I was always striving for perfection, and speaking about my feelings was a less-than-perfect behavior, so I thought.

This was the turning point in every area of my life: Physical Body, Emotions, Relationships, Self-Care and finally Self-Love over Perfection. I spent a couple years going for help which allowed me to feel safe, grounded, and heard. I then gave myself permission to look at (really look at, and be OK with) the imperfections and uncertainties in life... which opened me up to some of the most amazing possibilities and opportunities.

Which brings me to today. I wholeheartedly believe that I was put on this planet to be of support to others. I have been coaching clients online and in-person for the past 12 years, helping bridge the gap between emotional and nutritional wellness. I guide others to understand that it is never about just about one challenge; that once we touch upon an issue being discussed, it begins to link to another… and another… until there is a beautiful unfolding.

Studies show that were are 50 percent of our genetics and 50 percent of our life experiences. 

With the right support, I do believe that most of us can make a shift from old habits and patterns that are holding us hostage, to a new way of embracing what I call “Truth”... a bigger understanding of who we are and how to be a part of this world as our most Essential Selves. is the result of embracing Imperfection. Allowing the imperfection to teach me what I needed to be aware of along with taking action to heal. That is why food is only a piece of the puzzle in my business now. We look at the foundation and whole body instead of treating the symptoms. Symptoms tend to shift when our foundation is Reframed!  

It’s all about making a CHOICE in wanting to heal. It can feel very scary and vulnerable….but…..stepping into something bigger for yourself truly outweighs staying stuck in old habits and patterns that may be holding you hostage.

Embrace imperfection! It will make a difference…..Again, it takes awareness, practice, ritual and patience and self care.  

Remember to make yourself a top priority…it truly is the only way in which you can be of true service to others.

I’d love to hear from you! Comment below or write to me at